Bereavement by suicide is a very particular kind of grief

Participants tell us that the non-judgemental and respectful support of the other group members can help them to reach a level of acceptance for what has happened, and find some hope in facing the future.

Bereavement by suicide is a very particular kind of grief, generating thoughts and emotions that can be hard to share with even the most supportive of family and friends.

Facing the Future offers closed online groups bringing together up to ten people bereaved by suicide.  Six free ninety-minute sessions are held at the same time each week, facilitated by two specially-trained volunteers. We provide a safe space for everyone to talk openly and honestly about their experiences and feelings with people who have experienced a similar loss.

People bereaved by suicide had very little specialist support available to them.

So in 2011 some volunteers from Samaritans and Cruse Bereavement Care got together to run in-person support groups in London. After a few years, and so that more people across the country could benefit from this type of support, Facing the Future sessions were moved online.