Some participant comments:
“It’s given me more strength and confidence in expressing why I feel so affected by my dad deciding to take his own life”
Group Participant #1
"Suicide has altered me irrevocably and I can never not be unchanged by it. The group provided something so vital and valuable that is often hard to articulate. A sense of comradeship perhaps?"
Group Participant #2
“Listening to how others felt and them asking questions helped me to formulate my own emotions and reactions"
Group Participant #3
“Learning to be with one's grief and to allow it in, is the only way through. Being with people that know your pain and that are not judging and are there for the same reasons as you is very healing and supportive. Facing the Future brought me into a circle of my people"
Group Participant #4
“The grief was still there, but I was no longer alone with it. Finally there were people who understood. Friends and family are kind and well-intentioned but often say the wrong thing in their efforts to comfort and console. My new friends at Facing the Future understood implicitly so there was no need to explain"
Group Participant #5
"Joining this group made me feel so held, accepted and supported. I found it so helpful to meet others and hear their stories and to share mine. The thing about talking to others bereaved by suicide is that you can say absolutely anything and be heard, which is not the case in the larger world"
Group Participant #6